
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Samaji Behbood Rabita Council office, Swabi

Press Conference on importance of citizen inclusion in budget making at district level

17/09/2018 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM Samaji Behbood Rabita Council office, Swabi
Event Description

CPDI and Samaji Behbood Rabita Council are organizing a press conference on importance of citizen inclusion in budget making at district level, in Swabi.

Purpose of this event is to aware and educate stakeholders included elected representatives, district offices, general public, women’s organization, private sector, non-governmental organizations, community based organizations, and CSOs on importance of participatory budgeting to ensure public participation in budget making process.

Note: Entry to the event is restricted to the invitees only.

Project/Partner: Democratic Local Governance for Development in Pakistan

Contact Person with Cell #: Jamshed Tariq 0345-9384523