
9:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Shelton's Green Hotel, Peshawar

Capacity Building Workshops of CSOs and DIGs

04/10/2017 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM Shelton's Green Hotel, Peshawar
Event Description

CPDI and FNF Pakistan are jointly implementing a project titled “Democratic Local Governance for Development in Pakistan” with support of European Union. It aims to build capacity of all stakeholders to demand more efficient, transparent, inclusive and accountable local governance systems in 15 districts of KP, Sindh and Balochistan. Advocacy and monitoring skills will be imparted to the representatives of local CSOs and members of district interest groups through this capacity building workshop so they could bring the issues and problems of their communities in the access and quality of public services related to health, education, and water/sanitation into limelight for their solutions. It will also equip them to effectively conduct the citizens’ report cards and budget tracking surveys at later stages of the project.

Note: Entry to the event is restricted to the invitees only

Project/Partner: Democratic Local Governance for development of Pakistan

Contact Person with Cell #: Shamsul Hadi (0336-5444118)